Go Ahead, Have it All

As project managers, every project we work on has (or should have) a goal; an end result we are working towards. Maybe you've noticed that the less clear the goal is the less successful your projects are.

The same is true with our personal and professional goals. The better we get at setting and achieving our goals, the happier we are in all things: work, home even our social life.  

Here is an empowering thought. You can have it all! Do you believe that? I do. I am not saying I currently do have it all, but I believe it is possible and the only thing limiting us is us.

The first step to having it all, is to know what all looks like. Break it down, what does success look like for you professionally and personally (health, wealth, community, relationships, etc). Write out your Have it All goals.

Then pick one (or three if your up for it) and start setting your intention towards it. Identify 3-4 things you can do daily or weekly to get you closer to your Have it All goal. Then consider, what has to give in order for you to make space for this commitment. Be real, while you can have it all, you can't DO it all yourself, so figure out what needs to go or who can help.

Here's an example:

Big Idea:

Be physically fit; able to run, ride, swim, play ball and do all the things that make me happy without pain or injury.

Small Steps:

What are three things I can do daily toward that big goal for the next 30 days?

  1. Commit to a 30-day yoga challenge.

  2. Drink 128 ounces of water every day.

  3. Go to bed by 10:30 every night

Transformed or Informed

After 30-days you will be transformed or informed.

If you achieved these three things everyday, or most days, you will be gaining momentum, motivating you to keep going for the next 30 days which over time creates the transformation you desire.

If you didn’t do these three things on a regular basis, you just learned something very important. This goal isn't really a goal you care about right now because if you truly cared about achieving it, you would make time for it. No judgement, just acknowledge it and make an adjustment. Get curious. Ask, what was I doing instead of these three things everyday? What needs to shift to make this a priority? If the answer is nothing, then let it go and pick something you are willing to commit the time to.  

Bottom Line

What the heck does this have to do with Project Management? Everything. The more empowered you are, the more you see how your actions make an impact, the better you will lead your project team. The small intentional steps taken every day will lead you and your team towards that big project goal.

What’s your goal. Break it down. Create your plan and start building some beautiful momentum today. A year from now you will be so glad you did.

Need help?

I can give you a little extra push with a one-on-one goal setting coaching session, which is the first and most important element of transforming your project management practice with the PM Mindset Program.


What are you afraid of?


Ask and You Shall Receive