Be Flawesome

This week's #PMindestMonday challenge, own your flaws and your awesome. You’re both and so am I.

Perfect example, recently, I missed a meeting. Literally missed it, I wasn't a little late or canceling at the last minute I just didn't show up, Me, the project manager that coaches on running effective meetings…..oh the irony.

As soon as I discovered my mistake I felt a terrible gut punch of anxiety set in. Thankfully, I have been working hard on being self aware of how emotions impact the physical body so I was able to stop, breath and assess before determining my next best action.

 In this case my next best actions were to:

  1.  Own it – no excuse (oh my technology failed me or someone didn’t' remind me) nope, it’s just on me.

  2. Apologize – the gut punch I got when I realized I missed the meeting made it pretty obvious I was very sorry and regretful.

  3. Make it up them – I will handle the reschedule and I will be VERY flexible to that individuals schedule.

 So, that's just what I did - I sent an apology owning my mistake and taking the initiative to handle the reschedule. The response was so gracious, more than I could have ever have hoped for, given this was a brand new client (gasp)!

Just a note, there is a big push right now for women to stop apologizing for everything but be careful to not take that message too far. If you make a mistake, and you feel bad about it, then you should apologize and do something about it.

That's what being Flawesome is all about.

Sometimes we shine.

Sometimes we fail.

We are both and there is no shame in it so go be your Flawesome self!

Own in and shine through it.

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Filter Out the Negativity