My PM Practice

Over 20 years ago, I attended my first professional project management course in preparation to become a Project Management Professional (PMP). Prior to that I was leading projects by learning from my manager and through good ole' trial and error. In that course, surrounded by my PM peers and hearing about the value of strong project leadership from the professor, I was hooked, I knew I had discovered my professional purpose and YES, I do realize that makes me a nerd, but I am going to own it.

Since then I have been focused on evolving my PM practice (yep, still a nerd); leading projects and managing and mentoring others by paying attention to the big and little experiences which make the most impact, being curious about what works and what doesn’t and simply learning along the way. After all, it is a practice, something I work on every day to get a little better than I was before.

It is with this intention I created the Project Management Mindset. This program goes beyond task management, the how-to's and must-do's, and instead shifts focus from tactical execution to the game-changing practice of building strong project managers that lead and succeed with vision and strategy. The vision which allows us to see the ultimate goal of the project outcome and lead our teams to it and the strategy that prepares us to adapt to all of the 'unique project variables (aka, change orders, issues, team drama, etc), that we run into along our project journey.

To get a flavor for the PM Mindset, follow @PMmindsetcoach on Instagram. Every Monday, I will post a short video and weekly challenge centered around the PM Mindset.

If you, like me, are ready to go ALL IN to transform your project management practice, check out the PM Mindset, this unique program includes goal setting, online courses and individual coaching sessions personalized to you.

It's a practice, by setting an intention to get a little better every single day you will exceed your expectations.

Think about this, if you truly set an intention to get a little better every day and at the end of the day asked yourself, "Was I better today, than I was yesterday?" Do you honestly think you will answer no twice? I don’t. That is the beauty of being intentional. it is the small every day things we do that add up to transformational change. You are worth it!


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