Too Busy? Time for a Reset

Are you feeling "too busy"? Are you wearing your busy as a badge of honor, comparing just how much you have on your plate with your coworkers, friends or family? I get it - I got stuck in that mantra last week and am ready for a reset?   

Over the last couple of weeks I have caught myself on a number of occasions saying or thinking "I am too busy." This is not helpful. Especially, for someone like myself, an independent contractor who thrives on getting stuff done. Busy (with balance) is beautiful in my world but not if I can't see it that way.

So when I caught myself saying “I’m too busy,” for the second time out loud - it stopped me dead in my tracks and I realized a reset was in order, which is where this week's PM Mindset Monday’s Challenge comes in.

To reset:

  1. Shift "too busy" a negative-victim statement to a positive active statement that's going to move you forward.

    My shift - “I am making plans for an incredibly productive week.” This statement inspires action - I am clearing my schedule of things that can wait, asking for help on things I don't need to be the one to do and I've got healthy meals planned for the week. Where as “I am too busy,” inspires my desire for a nap or depending on the time of day, a glass of wine.

    Another example - if you are feeling “too busy” for your family lately, maybe this week you set your intention on carving out time for fun with your family.  

  2. Next, determine what you need to be. Identify three things. This should not be confused with what you need to do, it is NOT another to do list. Instead consider what do you need to be to move forward. In my case, I am making plans for a beautifully productive week and to do this I need to be:

    1. Organized - which will help me keep track of everything that needs to get done

    2. Focused - no multitasking, instead I am commiting to one task at time with quality and intention. That way I will do it right the first time, be more productive and build beautiful momentum for my next task.

    3. Efficient - keep my eyes open for ways to reduce redundancy in my tasks and skip things that aren’t adding value.

In the example of carving out time for fun with my family this week, you might need to be:

  1. Creative - doing something outside of the norm.

  2. Patient - if things don't go exactly as planned, you are going to roll with it.

  3. Joyful - find joy in the little moments you are creating together.

The next time you find yourself in this spiral of "I am too busy," or if you catch yourself comparing busy notes with a friend or partner, stop and shift that thought to one of positive-momentum building action. Then challenge yourself to identify three things you are going to need to be to make it happen.

With you as my witness - I declare, I am making plans for a beautifully productive week and to do that I will be:

  1. Organized

  2. Focused

  3. Efficient

 What will you trade your "busy" in for this week? And what do you need to "be" to get it?


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