Momentum Lives Outside of Our Comfort Zones

There is so much value in pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and paying attention to how you respond; the chatter of your ego, your fear and your power voice.

Last week I did a thing that I wasn't quite ready to do but I did it anyway. I hosted a live training event, How to Build a Kick Ass Project Schedule (if you need proof or if this sounds like training you need, register to view the free video playback).

Here is what I learned about this experience. Before the event - I had a VERY obvious struggle between fear and personal power, it went like this:

FEAR: I am too busy for this - why did I commit to doing this? Will anyone notice if I don't do it.

POWER: YES – I will notice and it matters to me. Do what you say your going to do. You create all the time you need.


FEAR: What if my technology doesn't work? You are a digital project manager after all, that would make you look ridiculous.

POWER: Prepare ahead of time, reboot your computer, put on do not disturb, close apps that aren’t needed and clear your schedule 10 minutes before the call (set a boundary and honor it). Then 10 minutes before get everything started and setup with plenty of time to take a few deep breaths.


FEAR: What if people don't like it…don't value it?

POWER: Not my business. I find value in the information provided and would have liked this information when I was first building project schedules. I am likely not alone in that so put it out there, let it live.


FEAR: What if the dog barks?

POWER: Set her up in her own private comfortable space away from the microphone, she might even enjoy the break from all the talking.


FEAR: What if nobody shows up?

Ahhh, there it is….the biggest fear surfaces, this is the real reason for hesitation.

POWER: Well there is a 100% chance that nobody will show up if you don't so SHOW UP!


The Outcome

Power won. I did it. Was it perfect? No. Was it good enough? Heck yes! It was better than good enough. People showed up, my dog did indeed bark in her private space away from my microphone. My technology worked just fine because I had prepared, I held my boundary and allowed 10 minutes space between my meeting and the start of the training.


All the Feels

Before the meeting I was anxious trending to excitement.

During I was energized, confident and happy I made the decision to move forward.

After was complete bliss, I felt satisfied and empowered.

The Point

It comes down to this – while I hope there is value in it for others, there was most definitely value in it for me. It matters that I did it. It's a momentum shift in the right direction.

The next time an opportunity presents itself (and it will) I will have a little more confidence and a little less fear guiding the way.

And that my friend, is what this journey of getting a little better every single day is ALL about. Momentum leading to impactful changes starts today outside of your comfort zone. Go get it!


Filter Out the Negativity


Too Busy? Time for a Reset